Before you begin, make sure that you have installed and activated SastraWP theme on your website. Without the SastraWP theme activated, you cannot use prebuilt websites.
Go to your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to Sastra Addons → Prebuilt Websites. Here, you can see multiple website list.
- Preview : for view site preview
- Import Site : for import site content
After click on Import Site button you have to allow permission for temporarily deactivate all other active plugins and import site contents like header, footer, pages, media, menu, etc on your site.
Now, you can see the site import process has been started.
Next, click on OK button.
Congratulations! Prebuilt website successfully imported on your website! Now you can start customizing your newly imported site.
Now, you will see an Uninstall button on the site you imported. Use this button for delete or remove imported content from your site.
If you face any difficulties, feel free to contact our support team for further assistance.